Monday, April 23, 2012

Journal #5

Why am I at where I'm at (on schedule, behind schedule, etc.)? Give 3 most important reasons.

 I'm FAR behind schedule because of my atrocious work ethic, ridiculously short attention span, and not being able to cope well with all the stress of this semester.

What is my goal for today? Wednesday? Friday? Monday?

Just get done as much work as I possibly can and also PANIC.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Journal #4

What did you learn from the critique? Did it change your approach to the piece in any way?

Not much. I know I still have a lot of work to do and the critique just reiterated that. Any other points that were brought up concerning my old animatic are going to be addressed one way or another through my revisions.

What are your goals for 11:20 AM? 3:00 PM?

11:20- Rough keyframes for shots 4-6
3:00- Rough keyframes for shots 7-10

Did you meet your goals? If yes, did you exceed them? If not, what got in the way?

Not 100% done on a few shots, but I revised something to have a scene make a little more sense and have rough keyframes up to shot 11. I could have gotten done more, but as per always, I'm too easily distracted.