Monday, April 23, 2012

Journal #5

Why am I at where I'm at (on schedule, behind schedule, etc.)? Give 3 most important reasons.

 I'm FAR behind schedule because of my atrocious work ethic, ridiculously short attention span, and not being able to cope well with all the stress of this semester.

What is my goal for today? Wednesday? Friday? Monday?

Just get done as much work as I possibly can and also PANIC.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Journal #4

What did you learn from the critique? Did it change your approach to the piece in any way?

Not much. I know I still have a lot of work to do and the critique just reiterated that. Any other points that were brought up concerning my old animatic are going to be addressed one way or another through my revisions.

What are your goals for 11:20 AM? 3:00 PM?

11:20- Rough keyframes for shots 4-6
3:00- Rough keyframes for shots 7-10

Did you meet your goals? If yes, did you exceed them? If not, what got in the way?

Not 100% done on a few shots, but I revised something to have a scene make a little more sense and have rough keyframes up to shot 11. I could have gotten done more, but as per always, I'm too easily distracted.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Journal #3

What is the title of your piece?
I've been working under the title of One Good Day since I first came up with the idea of this animation, but recently I've been thinking of switching the title to Go For It. Whether or not the name change happens or not is still up in the air.

What technical questions do you have today?
Just need to figure out a way to simplify perspective in Photoshop. An idea I had was to make a grid and then use the perspective transform tool to make quick guidelines.

What "babies" might you need to kill?
I'm still hoping on not having to cut too many corners from here on out. My work ethic has improved since the start of the project so I get more work done, but there are still a few things that I may have to drop here and there. For one, I might not have enough time to find an appropriate piece of background music, so my piece will be a little silent. Animation wise, I'm going to be exploiting a few holding shots and simple animation on a few other shots. I'm also going to switch over to using the pencil tool in Photoshop so coloring can be done quickly and I won't have to cut that out.


What will be complete by lunch time?
A few more backgrounds, hopefully.

What will be complete by 3 PM?
If all goes well, I can get started on the rough animations today.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Journal #2

Long time no post.
I've been stressed, depressed, and a number of other things, making working on anything a chore in and of itself. Really didn't get anything done over spring break and have been an anxious nervous wreck during and since then.
Right now, there's just too much to do. Not just for this class, that alone would be easily doable, but the accumulation of the work and stress from every other class plus things from life as well, has just become too daunting to take care of by myself. So I'm enrolling in counseling and academic counseling to try and get things in order. Here's hoping that will actually help.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Journal #1

What has been the most challenging aspect of getting work done up to this point? What adjustment will you make to change this?

As evident by how barren this blog is and how little work I actually have done, there's been a lot of problems. The biggest challenge out of them all is just finding the time to work. Juggling assignments from 5 different classes and a weekend job leads to a lot of unfinished work and stress. All that stress doesn't help get any work done either.
The one adjustment I'd make is to spend less time on stress relief and just work. However, telling myself to do that hasn't worked for years, so I'm not expecting any miracles here. I'm just going to do as much as I can over the upcoming Spring Break and hope for the best.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Shot List

Exactly what the title says.
A list of the shots that make up my junior piece. Seeing as my junior piece is still a work in progress, this list is only tentative and is subject to change.

Monday, February 6, 2012


This blog is here to track the production progress of my junior animation at UArts. I'll be updating weekly with my progress, so be sure to check back often!